Will be held August 2-4, 2012
at the Ramada Inn and Conference Center in State College, PA.
“New Frontiers in Reclamation”
With the theme, “new frontiers in reclamation”, this year’s conference intends to explore innovative ways to achieve abandoned mine reclamation in Pennsylvania.
Times are changing and we have indeed entered a new frontier in reclamation! Exciting opportunities abound with new and emerging treatment technologies in addition to partnership opportunities with industry in utilizing abandoned mine drainage and mine pool water.
The conference will provide a day and a half forum for the dissemination of information and encourage discussions between industry, watershed groups, and decision makers that can help to further innovations in public policy, abandoned mine reclamation, remediation, and restoration.
Thanks to the PA AMR Conference Planning Committee organizing the “myriad of details” surrounding the event is almost complete! We believe believe this will be an informative and energizing conference. Please see the Program Page for more details.
Thursday, August 2nd will feature a “Pre-Conference” Tour of Mine Reclamation and Mine Drainage Remediation sites in Eastern Clearfield County. Bus leaves the parking lot of the Ramada Inn, State College at 11AM sharp (additional pre-conference tour registration required).
Friday, August 3rd “kicks off” the AMR Conference at 8:30AM with a full day of presentations and two (2) tracks to chose from. Registration starts at 7AM. Stick around Friday Evening and we will get outside with a Picnic Dinner at 5PM and Mixer to follow (weather permitting). The prestigious “Mayfly Award” will also be presented to a deserving individual(s) Friday Evening. Who will it be?
Saturday, August 4th “wraps up” the conference starting at 8:30AM with a half day of presentations and an OM&R Workshop (Aka. Treatment System Operation, Maintenance and Replacement). If your watershed has a treatment system, you cannot afford to miss this morning. Breakfast and Registration start at 7AM. The conference is over at 12:15PM (lunch is on your own).